inby - inte
- inby no
- inby workings
- inbye
- inbye opening
- inbye transformer
- inbye unit
- inbye workings
- incandescence
- incandescent lamp
- incentive
- incentive earnings
- incentive wages
- inch
- incidence plane
- incident
- incision
- inclination
- inclination of shearer body
- incline
- incline at an inbye boundary of a pillar
- incline at an outbye boundary of a pillar
- incline bogie
- incline district
- incline pit-hole
- incline slice
- incline stop
- inclined
- inclined adit
- inclined bed
- inclined belt
- inclined belt conveyor
- inclined drift
- inclined face
- inclined fill
- inclined grizzly
- inclined haulage
- inclined hole
- inclined longwall
- inclined prop
- inclined rill mining